my name is . . .
- Photographer -
-Tech Passionate-
- ericka@adventuresthroughlife.info
About me
(This site is very much a work in progress!) This site is a space for my photography to be able to be shared, as I deem them to be. If you see something you like, please e-mail me at the inbox above!
I like to approach my challenges. When there is something to work towards, I will put my effort into finding a path.
I have always had a spark for technology and creation.
I grew up in the mountains of California. I also had many vacations out camping and on the coast of Fort Bragg. Recording videos of my family trips and taking photos at the time to bring back home to school or to keep, I was always fascinated by the shot you could take at any one time that could be a missed opportunity.
What I do
As many things are in life, you find moments that you feel you have to capture. Those are the times that will always be remembered by you or a loved one, and it was made special.
2021 - Current
Web Developer
Making this website : ) (and learning HTML and CSS along the way)
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